Training and professional activities
1989-1995 MD Diploma Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy,Bucharest, Romania
1996-2001 Intern obstetrics and gynecology, Paris, France
Diplôme Interuniversitaire de spécialisation obstétrique gynécologie , Paris V University of Medicine
2001 PhD Doctorat Degree of Medicine, Speciality : Prenatal diagnosis and Fetal Medicine .
2010-2013 Postdoctoral fellowship Supporting research by training specialists – “Exploring the regenerative potential of telocytes in female reproductive system “- project POSDRU /89/1.5/S/64109 , Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy , Bucharest , Romania.
2021 Habilitation thesis : Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy “High-risk pathologies in Obstetrics and Gynecology: From Diagnostic to Treatments”
2001-2004 Specialist Certificate of Completion of Training in Obstetrics and Gynecology
2004 –to date Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology
2002- 2007 Assistant professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
2007 –to date Lecturer of Obstetrics and Gynecology Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Selection of other activities:
1996-1997 European Maternal-Fetal Diploma
1999-2000 European Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology Diploma
2000-2001 European Hysteroscopy Diploma
2000-2001 European Laparoscopy in Gynecology Diploma
2002-2009 European Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology Diploma
2002-2003 Gynecological oncology subspecialty training Alexandru Trestioreanu Oncology Institute
2003-2005 Master’s degree in public health and hospital management
Member of Romanian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology , Romanian Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology , International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology , French College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, French Society of Ultrasound and many other scientific international societies.
Co- author and coordinator of two books: “Obstetrical cytogenetics in Post genomic Era “published in 2005 on Carol Davila University Publishing Editor and “Cancer and Pregnancy ” Romanian Medical Publishing Editor, different book chapters and peer-reviewed scientific articles.
Certified on Publons Academy peer-reviewer. Peer reviewer for many important medical journal
Guest Editor Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics &Gynecology (ISSN 0390-6663, IF 0.146) – Special Issue “Pregnancy-associated Immune and Autoimmune Diseases”
Publications and Citations in ISI indexed journals:
30 full-text articles in ISI Thomson indexed journals, Hirsch index 6 (Source: Web of, Science, Core Collection). ( UEFISCDI ID (UEF-ID):