Urinary tract infections of the elderly in palliative care services with continuous hospitalization
Dr. Mirela-Elena Jianu1,2 1Spitalul Municipal „Prof. Dr. Irinel Popescu” Băilești, România, 2Medicina internă Primit: 12.03.2022 • Acceptat pentru...
Delirium in hospitalized cancer patients
Dr. Loredana Meșter 1,4, Dr. Mariana Sporiș2,4, Dr. Geanina Daniela Miron1,4, Prof. univ. dr. Daniela Moșoiu3,4 1 Spitalul...
Prevalence of depression in patients with cancer
Dr. Daniela Havăreanu-Bica1,3, Prof. univ. dr. Daniela Moșoiu2,4 1Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență Sibiu, România, 2Universitatea Transilvania Facultatea...
Palliative care place of convergence between disciplines
Professor dr. Daniela Moșoiu, Chairman of PALIAŢIA Etymologically, palliative care comes from the Latin Pallium which means blanket;...
Current Issue – Vol.15 No.1
PALIAŢIA, Vol 15, No 1, January 2022 ISSN 1844 – 7058 EDITORIAL Lack of quality of (palliative)...
American Academy of Nursing Expert Panel consensus statement on nursing’s roles in ensuring universal palliative care access
This consensus paper by Rosa WE et. al. provides recommendations to advance nursing’s roles and responsibility to ensure...
Palliative care means a holistic approach
In an interview with Oncology Nursing News®, Contreras, chair of the Institute of Pain and Palliative Care at...
Lack of knowledge about palliative care among health care providers
Worldwide, there is agreement about the mission of palliative care. It is not just dealing with end-of-life decisions....
In memoriam Luminița Dumitrescu, MD, PhD
Prof. Dr. Wim J.A. van den Heuvel, Chairman of PALIATIA Christmas 2021 ended in mourning. Luminița Dumitrescu passed...