Daniela Moşoiu

Prof. Daniela Mosoiu is trained as oncologist with subspecialty in palliative care. As Director for Education, National Strategy and Development at HOSPICE Casa Sperantei and leader of the Romanian palliative care movement, she supervises the educational programs, national development and advocacy work in Romania and has offered education and support for palliative care development in other 18 Central and Eastern European countries. In her role as the President of Palliative Care Advisory Commission of the Health Ministry Romania, she is working with health authorities and legislators to foster development of palliative care services and integration in the national health care system. She coordinates the master program at Transylvania University. Daniela has extensive experience and expertise in project management, research projects, nationally and internationally.

Other Appointments:

  • Professor at Transilvania University, Faculty of Medicine, coordinator of Palliative Care Master Program
  • President of Palliative Care Advisory Commission of the Health Ministry Romania
  • National Coordinator of Palliative Care Subspecialty Program for Physicians
  • Palliative Care Expert at National Authority for Health Quality Management
  • Member of the EAPC Board (since 2015)
  • Member of National Paliative Care Association Board

Key Accomplishments:

  • Author/Editor Daniela Moșoiu, “Prescrierea si Utilizarea opioidelor in managementul durerii in cancer” (2007), ghid practic cursanti, Editura Lux Libris Brasov, ISBN 978-973-131-008-4, 150 pag
  • Author/Editor Daniela Moșoiu, omunicarea in cancer” ISBN978-973-0-07289-8 Bucuresti, 2009, 162 pag
  • Author/Editor Daniela Moșoiu Protocoale Clinice in Ingrijiri paliative Editia 2 Haco International 2013 ISBN 978- 973-7706-28-7, 136 pag
  • Author/Editor Daniela Moșoiu Ghid de Ingrijire paliativă de bază, Hospice Casa Sperantei 2016 ISBN 978-973- 0-22042-1, 72 pag
  • Audience Award for Best Medical Communicator, Gala Medica Bucharest, 2013
  • II Prize for special involvement in the didactic activity, Health Gala Bucharest, 2011
  • Founding member and honorary director of World-Wide Palliative Care Alliance, representing East Europe (2005-2012)
  • Member of Editorial Board of the European Journal of Palliative Care, Paliatia.ro and Oncolog-Hematalog.ro

Education / Honors:

  • Leadership Training, The Institute for Palliative Medicine at San Diego Hospice, San Diego, California, USA (2011)
  • PhD Degree, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj Napoca / Romania (2009)
  • Oncology Consultant Physician, Health Ministry Romania (2005)
  • National lecturer for Palliative Care Subspeciality Program, Health Ministry Romania (2000)
  • Palliative Care Subspecialty, Health Ministry Romania (2000)
  • Oncology Specialist Physician (1995)
  • Medical Degree, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj Napoca / Romania (1991)


  1. Daniela Moșoiu Co-author Palliative Care in the Developing countries in Palliative care clinical skills and core competencies editura: Saunders Elsevier ISBN:978-1-4160-2597-9 AnAparitie:2007 Nr authori:6 NrPaginic:37 NrPagini:705
  2. Daniela Moșoiu Co- author Palliative Care in the Developing countries in Cancer pain Management, Cambridge university press 2007 ISBN: 978-0-521-87927-9 Nr authori:3 NrPaginic:19 NrPagini:670
  3. Mitrea N, Moșoiu D – Palliative Care in Eastern Europe. Capitolul 72 In Oxford Textbook for Palliative Care; eds: Ferrell B, Coyle N, Paice J Oxford Publishing, 2015. ISBN: 978-019-9332-34-2
  4. Daniela Moșoiu Co- author capitolele 3,6,7 in “Comprehensive cervical cancer control A guide to essential practice” – Second edition, WHO, 2014 ISBN: 978 92 4 154895, 364 pages
  5. Moșoiu D, Eniu A Cap 13 Barriers towards establishing palliative care in Eastern Europe and prospects for improvement in New Developments in Medical Research Palliative Care Perspectives, Practices and Impact on quality of Life a global view Volume 1 ed. Michael Silbermann, Nova Medicine Health New York 2017 ISBN: 978-1-53612-084-4
  6. Moșoiu D, Stanciulescu L, Strasser F. – Cap 3 Basic palliative care model for cancer patient in the community: From research to a national policy in New Developments in Medical Research Palliative Care The role and Importance of Research in Promoting Palliative care Practices r Vol 3 ed. Michael Silbermann, Nova Medicine Health New York 2019 ISBN: 978-1-53616-212-7
  7. Natalia Arias-Casais, Eduardo Garralda, John Y. Rhee, Liliana De Lima, Juan José Pons, David Clark, Jeroen Hasselaar, Julie Ling, Daniela Moșoiu, Carlos Centeno. EAPC Atlas of Palliative Care in Europe 2019. EAPC Press: 2019 ISBN: 9789463883443.
  8. Moșoiu D, Ryan KM, Joranson DE, Garthwaite JP Reform of Drug Control Policy for Palliative care in Romania The Lancet 2006 vol 367:2110-2117
  9. Moșoiu D. Mungiu OC, Grigore B, Landon A, Romania Changing the regulatory Environment, Journal of pain and Symptom Management 2007, 33, 5:610-614
  10. Moșoiu D., Dumitrescu M, Connor S Developing a Costing Framework for Palliative Care Services Journal of pain and symptom management 2014 Oct;48(4):719-29
  11. Moșoiu D. Sporis M., Stanculeanu D., Toader E., Poroch P., Boanca M., Simion L., Use of Methadone as First Line Strong Opioid Chimia 2017, 68 No. 5, 1051-1054
  12. Totolici I., Pascu A., Poroh V., Moșoiu D. The Impact of Ozone Therapy on Antioxidant Status and Quality of Life in Palliative Care – Exploratory Study Chimia 2017, 68 No. 10, 2416-2421
  13. Mitrea N, Moșoiu D, Ancuța C, Malloy P, Rogozea L, The Impact of the End-of-life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) International Training Program on the Clinical Practice of Eastern European Nurses Working in Specialized Palliative Care Services: A Romanian Case Study, Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing 2017, 19, no. 5,
  14. Centeno C, Sitte T, De Lima L, Alsirafy S, Bruera E, Callaway M, Foley, Luyirika, Moșoiu D, Pettus K, Puchalski C, MR Rajagopal, Yong J, Garralda E, John Y Rhee, Comoretto N White Paper for Global Palliative Care Advocacy: Recommendations from a PAL-LIFE Expert Advisory Group of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Journal of palliative medicine 2018 , 21 (10), 1389-1397
  15. Moșoiu D, Mitrea N, Dumitrescu M, Palliative care in Romania Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2018, (55) 2S 67-75
  16. Mitrea N, Ancuța C, Malloy P, Moșoiu D, Developing, Promoting and Sustaining Palliative Care Across Central Eastern Europe – Educating Nurses to be Leaders is a Critical First Step, Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 2019, vol. 21, no. 6, pg.
  17. Moșoiu D., Rogozea L., Landon A., Bisoc A., Tant D., Palliative Care in Heart Failure: A Public Health Emergency American Journal of Therapeutics 27 (2), e204-e223
  18. S Mason, P Paal, F Elsner, C Payne, J Ling, A Noguera, D Moșoiu Palliative care for all: An international health education challenge Palliative & Supportive Care, 1-3
  19. D Moșoiu, LM Rogozea Opioid crises—the perspective from a developing country American Journal of Therapeutics 27 (4), e422-e424
  20. SR Mason, J Ling, L Stanciulescu, C Payne, P Paal, S Albu, A Noguera, Estera Boeriu, Vladimir Poroch, Frank Elsner, Daniela Moșoiu From European Association for Palliative Care Recommendations to a Blended, Standardized, Free-to-Access Undergraduate Curriculum in Palliative Medicine: The EDUPALL Project ,Journal of Palliative Medicine 23 (12), 1571-1585
  21. MM Mihailescu-Marin, DV Moșoiu, V Burtea, G Sechel, LM Rogozea, D Ciurescu Common Pathways for Pain and Depression-Implications for Practice, American Journal of Therapeutics 27 (5), e468-e476
  22. RM Rajnoveanu, AG Rajnoveanu, AP Fildan, DA Todea, MA Man, Nicoleta Stefania Motoc, Daniela Moșoiu, Palliative Care Initiation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Prognosis-Based, Symptoms-Based or Needs-Based? International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 15, 1591

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