Training and professional activities
1974-1980 study medicine, Faculty of Medicine Craiova. Medical Doctor 1980
1980-1983 resident in various hospitals in Bucharest. Specialisation as GP in 1983
1983-1992 general practitioner in different dispensaries in Romania
1992-2000 specialist /senior general practitioner/family physician in the Dispensary Popesti-Leordeni (SAI), Romania
2000 PhD in medicine University of Bucharest,‘’The cellulair effects of pulsed electromagnetic waves (Diapulse)’’, supervisor Pof. Dr. S. Comorosan
2000-2004: specialization course University of Nijmegen (The Netherlands) on nursing-home/geriatric medicine. Specialisation as Geriatrician 2004
2004 > registered geriatrician/nursing home specialist in the Netherlands
2004-2009: geriatrician/nursing home physician Mondriaan Zorggroep, Heerlen, The Netherlands
2009-2010: nursing home physician Extramural Mental Health Care (RIAGG) Maastricht
2010> freelancer physician
Selection of other activities:
1998 co-author (with A. Gheorghiu) ‘Functional Investigation in family medicine’
1998-2000: president of the Romanian Society of General Practitioners/Family Doctors
2000-2017: permanent collaborator and columnist (‘Jurnalul unui medic cosmopolit’) Romanian medical weekly newspaper ‘’Viata Medicala’’
2002-2004: international secretary of the Romanian–Dutch project PACARO (PAlliative CAre in ROmania)
2004: editor of Compendiu de ingrijiri paliative la domiciliu (Romanian language)
2007-2009: international secretary of the Romanian–Dutch project REPACAO (Regional Expertise centre for PAlliative CAre in Romania)
2007> co-founder and associate at Media DOM Express SRL, Romanian accredited provider for continuing medical education
2007 > member of the Foundation for Research and Advice in Health Care
2008> Maatschap WM
2008 > co-founder and Editor-in Chief online journal on palliative care: PALIATIA (
2010-2020: freelancer at in The Netherlands
2010> Editor-in Chief of the CME- online Romanian program on
2016: editor of Tratat de ingrijiri paliative la domiciliu (Romanian language)
2017> editor ‘’Jurnalul unui medic cosmopolit’’ on
2018> founder and Editor-in Chief of Revista romana de medicina familiei (Romanian Journal of Family Medicine)